García, Ángel LuisMiras, Juan Ruiz deFeito, Francisco R.Xavier PueyoManuel Próspero dos SantosLuiz Velho2023-01-242023-01-242022978-3-03868-194-6 present a mathematical model for geometric modelling based on the concept of extended simplicial chain (ESC) defined in previous works. With this model, a solid is defined by means of an algebraic sum of nondisjoint extended cells, applying the divide and conquer concept. This allows us to obtain the traditional Boolean operations in geometric modelling through the operations defined for ESC's. The model enables us to represent free-form solids whose boundaries are free-form swfaces represented by a set of low degree triangular Bézier patches and operate with them. ln fact, this model allows us to solve basic problems in solid modelling, like the point-in-solid test. ln this case we make use of the generality of the definition of ESC to particularize it to the use of triangular Bézier patches in 3D.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseFree-form solid modelling, extended simplicial chains, triangular Bézier patches, formal methods in computer graphics, mathematical modelsFreeform solid modellingextended simplicial chainstriangular Bézier patchesformal methods in computer graphicsmathematical modelsFree-Form Solid Modellíng Based on Extended Simplícial Chains Using Triangular Bézier Patches10.2312/pt.2002140899-10810 pages