Guillén, IbónUreña, CarlosKing, AlanFajardo, MarcosGeorgiev, IliyanLópez-Moreno, JorgeJarabo, AdriánZwicker, Matthias and Sander, Pedro2017-06-192017-06-1920171467-8659 present new methods for uniformly sampling the solid angle subtended by a disk. To achieve this, we devise two novel area-preserving mappings from the unit square [0;1]2 to a spherical ellipse (i.e. the projection of the disk onto the unit sphere). These mappings allow for low-variance stratified sampling of direct illumination from disk-shaped light sources. We discuss how to efficiently incorporate our methods into a production renderer and demonstrate the quality of our maps, showing significantly lower variance than previous work.Computing methodologies> RenderingRay tracingVisibilityArea-Preserving Parameterizations for Spherical Ellipses10.1111/cgf.13234179-187