Ferreira, AlfredoMedeiros, RobertoBarreto, RuiFonseca, Manuel J.Jorge, Joaquim A.Chambel, Teresa and Nunes, Nuno and Romao, Teresa and Creissac Campos, José2021-11-032021-11-032021978-3-03868-167-0https://doi.org/10.2312/pt.20061557https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pt20061557Until recently, computer simulation of interior decoration was reserved to architects and other highly skilled professionals, because existing tools require technical knowledge on computer aided design. During the last years, several easy-to-use tools for home planning and interior design have been released. These tools intend to allow users, without specific skills, to create their virtual house, decorate it and navigate in the resulting scenery. In this paper we present three of these applications and describe task analysis using them. As a result of this experiment, we identify user requirements for this kind of tools, along with positive and negative aspects, providing good insights and directions for future work.ComputerAided DesignSketchBased InterfacesUser InterfacesTask AnalysisEvaluationInterior Design Tool for Common Users10.2312/pt.20061557225-228