Bartolo, A.Camilleri, K. P.Fabri, S. G.Borg, J. C.Farrugia, P. J.Michiel van de Panne and Eric Saund2014-01-282014-01-282007978-3-905674-00-21812-3503 paper describes the work carried out on off-line paper based scribbles such that they can be incorporated into a sketch-based interface without forcing designers to change their natural drawing habits. In this work, the scribbled drawings are converted into a vectorial format which can be recognized by a CAD system. This is achieved by using pattern analysis techniques, namely the Gabor filter to simplify the scribbled drawing. Vector line are then extracted from the resulting drawing by means of Kalman filtering.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.4.3 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Filtering I.4.7 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: TextureScribbles to Vectors: Preparation of Scribble Drawings for CAD Interpretation