Najgebauer, PatrykScherer, RafalLee, Jehee and Theobalt, Christian and Wetzstein, Gordon2019-10-142019-10-1420191467-8659 vectorisation is a fundamental method in graphic design and is one of the tools allowing to transfer artist work into computer graphics. The existing methods are based mainly on segmentation, or they analyse every image pixel; thus, they are relatively slow. We introduce a novel method for fast line drawing image vectorisation, based on a multi-scale second derivative detector accelerated by the summed-area table and an auxiliary grid. Image is scanned initially along the grid lines, and nodes are added to improve accuracy. Applying inertia in the line tracing allows for better junction mapping in a single pass. Our method is dedicated to grey-scale sketches and line drawings. It works efficiently regardless of the thickness of the line or its shading. Experiments show it is more than two orders of magnitude faster than the existing methods, not sacrificing accuracy.Computing methodologiesNonphotorealistic renderingParametric curve and surface modelsInertia-based Fast Vectorization of Line Drawings10.1111/cgf.13829203-213