Magnenat-Thalmann, N.D.Thalmann,C.E. Vandoni2015-09-292015-09-2919851017-4656 innovative kind of procedural model for computer animation is presented in the form of subactor data types. When a subactor data type is defined, many instances of this type may be defined. Each occurrence has the same parameters, but the animation laws applied to the parameters may be completely different. These occurrences of subactors as well as the associated animation laws are controlled in a user-friendly way. Several subactors may be dependent on an actor which may also be globally animated. Subactors based on Coons surfaces and beta-splines surfaces are discussed. Several examples are presented including a clock, a robot and a mask.SUBACTOR DATA TYPES AS HIERARCHICAL PROCEDURAL MODELS FOR COMPUTER ANIMATION10.2312/eg.19851009