Méndez, ÀlexSbert, MateuCatà, Jordi2015-11-122015-11-1220031017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egsl.20031083Here we present an animation that demonstrates the power of the obscurances technique and how it can be used in a video-game context when moving objects are in the scene. Obscurances is a powerful technique that simulates diffuse illumination, i.e. radiosity, with a much lower cost. Its advantage is based in that it considers only neighbour interactions instead of considering global ones, and in being decoupled from direct illumination computation. The implementation of this technique is made on a 3D game engine that allows real-time recomputation of obscurances for moving objects. Extensions to deal with color bleeding can also be appreciated.Real-time Obscurances with Color Bleeding (the three cubes demo)