Oesau, SvenLafarge, FlorentAlliez, PierreVincent Tourre and Gonzalo Besuievsky2014-01-272014-01-272013978-3-905674-46-02307-8251https://doi.org/10.2312/UDMV/UDMV13/009-012We present a method for automatic reconstruction of permanent structures of indoor scenes, such as walls, floors and ceilings, from raw point clouds acquired by laser scanners. Our approach employs graph-cut to solve an inside/outside labeling of a space decomposition. To allow for an accurate reconstruction the space decomposition is aligned with permanent structures. A Hough Transform is applied for extracting the wall directions while allowing a flexible reconstruction of scenes. The graph-cut formulation takes into account data consistency through an inside/outside prediction for the cells of the space decomposition by stochastic ray casting, while favoring low geometric complexity of the model. Our experiments produces watertight reconstructed models of multi-level buildings and complex scenes.I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]Computational Geometry and Object ModelingBoundary representationsCurvesurfacesolidand object representationsIndoor Scene Reconstruction using Primitive-driven Space Partitioning and Graph-cut