Musialski, PrzemyslawWimmer, MichaelVincent Tourre and Gonzalo Besuievsky2014-01-272014-01-272013978-3-905674-46-02307-8251 modeling is an elegant and fast way to generate huge complex and realistically looking urban sites. Due to its generative nature it can also be referred to as forward-procedural modeling. Its major drawback is the usually quite complicated way of control. To overcome this difficulty a novel modeling paradigm has been introduced: it is commonly referred to as inverse procedural modeling, and its goal is to generate compact procedural descriptions of existing models-in the best case in an automatic manner as possible. These compact procedural representations can be used as a source for the synthesis of identical or similar objects, applied in various simulations and other studies of urban environments. We believe that this technology is still a widely unexplored ground and that it will prove itself as a very important tool in the reconstruction process. In this paper we sketch how inverse procedural modeling can be applied in the urban modeling field.Inverse-Procedural Methods for Urban Models