Kawamoto, T.Horikoshi, T.Liberati, N.Huang, Tony and Otsuki, Mai and Servières, Myriam and Dey, Arindam and Sugiura, Yuta and Banakou, Domna and Michael-Grigoriou, Despina2019-01-232019-01-232018978-3-03868-076-51727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/egve.20181380https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egve20181380With the widespread use of inexpensive VR devices, many VR events for entertainment started to be organized all over the world. An important point when many people experience VR content is easily engage the experience without losing too much time to understand how the interaction between users and virtual world is designed. Thus, it is very important to think of simple and intuitive interfaces. We aimed for a more intuitive interaction, and we replaced the hand controller with the CG models of hands by Leap Motion. In this demonstration, we can highlight the difference in interacting through hand controllers and directly without the intrusion of any tangible device.Computing methodologiesCollision detectionHardwareSensors and actuatorsPCB design and layoutNatural Interface and Overreaction for VR Entertainment10.2312/egve.2018138013-14