Martín-Garrido, AlbertoMiguel, EderOtaduy, Miguel ÁngelGarcía-Fernández, Ignacio and Ureña, Carlos2018-06-262018-06-262018978-3-03868-067-3 and realistic cloth simulation is an unsolved problem, with yarn-level models emerging as a new alternative thanks to new hardware capabilities. Modeling yarns as flexible rods with persistent contacts enables a very robust and efficient simulation. However, this assumption also complicates the definition of elastic deformation potentials. This work explores more accurate yarn-level cloth models together with experiments that compare model features in order to detect shortcomings in the persistent contact model. In particular, we have implemented a discrete elastic model of flexible yarns with contact which treats yarns as unidimensional splines, together with a model that discretizes yarns using three-dimensional finite elements.Computing methodologiesPhysical simulationToward Estimation of Yarn-Level Cloth Simulation Models10.2312/ceig.2018114821-24