Guo, YishiWang, YangFang, ShiaofenChao, HongyangSaykin, AndrewShen, LiMiriah Meyer and Tino Weinkaufs2013-11-082013-11-082012978-3-905673-91-3 human brain is a complex network with countless connected neurons, and can be described as a "connectome". Existing studies on analyzing human connectome data are primarily focused on characterizing the brain networks with a small number of easily computable measures that may be inadequate for revealing complex relationship between brain function and its structural substrate. To facilitate large-scale connectomic analysis, in this paper, we propose a powerful and flexible volume rendering scheme to effectively visualize and interactively explore thousands of network measures in the context of brain anatomy, and to aid pattern discovery.We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme by applying it to a real connectome data set.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.8 [Computer Graphics]: ApplicationsPattern Visualization of Human Connectome Data