Heinemann, MoritzBruder, ValentinFrey, SteffenErtl, ThomasAnna Puig Puig and Tobias Isenberg2017-06-122017-06-122017978-3-03868-044-4https://doi.org/10.2312/eurp.20171166https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/eurp20171166Power efficiency is one of the most important factors for the development of compute-intensive applications in the mobile domain. In this work, we evaluate and discuss the power consumption of a direct volume rendering app based on raycasting on a mobile system. For this, we investigate the influence of a broad set of algorithmic parameters, which are relevant for performance and rendering quality, on the energy usage of the system. Additionally, we compare an OpenCL implementation to a variant using OpenGL. By means of a variety of examples, we demonstrate that numerous factors can have a significant impact on power consumption. In particular, we also discuss the underlying reasons for the respective effects.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Picture/Image GenerationViewing algorithmsPower Efficiency of Volume Raycasting on Mobile Devices10.2312/eurp.2017116649-51