Børlum, JesperChristensen, Brian BunchKjeldsen, Thomas KimMikkelsen, Peter TrierNoe, Karsten ØstergaardRimestad, JensMosegaard, JesperCarsten Dachsbacher and William Mark and Jacopo Pantaleoni2016-02-182016-02-182011978-1-4503-0896-02079-8687https://doi.org/10.1145/2018323.2018325This paper presents the Subsurface Light Propagation Volume (SSLPV) method for real-time approximation of subsurface scattering effects in dynamic scenes with changing mesh opology and lighting. SSLPV extends the Light Propagation Volume (LPV) technique for indirect illumination in video games. We introduce a new consistent method for injecting flux from point light sources into an LPV grid, a new rendering method which consistently convertslight intensity stored in an LPV grid into incident radiance, as well as a model for light scattering and absorption inside heterogeneous materials. Our scheme does not require any precomputation and handles arbitrarily deforming meshes. We show that SSLPV provides visually pleasing results in real-time at the expense of a few milliseconds of added rendering time.I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]Three DimensionalGraphics and Realism RadiosityI.3.7 [Computer Graphics]Three Dimensional Graphics and Realism ShadingI.3.3 [ComputerGraphics]Picture/Image Generation Display Algorithmssubsurface scatteringrealtime renderingLight PropagationVolumesSSLPV: Subsurface Light Propagation Volumes10.1145/2018323.20183257-14