Moon, Ji‐HyeHa, YujinPark, SanghunKim, Myung‐SooYoon, Seung‐HyunHauser, Helwig and Alliez, Pierre2023-10-062023-10-0620231467-8659 present a simple and effective method for the interactive segmentation of feature regions in a triangular mesh. From the user‐specified radius and click position, the candidate region that contains the desired feature region is defined as geodesic disc on a triangle mesh. A concavity‐aware harmonic field is then computed on the candidate region using the appropriate boundary constraints. An initial isoline is chosen by evaluating the uniformly sampled ones on the harmonic field based on the gradient magnitude. A set of feature points on the initial isoline is selected and the anisotropic geodesics passing through them are then determined as the final segmentation boundary, which is smooth and locally shortest. The experimental results show several segmentation results for various 3D models, revealing the effectiveness of the proposed method.anisotropic geodesicgeometry processingharmonic fieldinteractionmesh segmentationuser interface designROI Scissor: Interactive Segmentation of Feature Region of Interest in a Triangular Mesh10.1111/cgf.14803