Weinmann, M.Klein, R.Reinhard Klein and Holly Rushmeier2015-07-312015-07-312015978-3-905674-83-52309-5059https://doi.org/10.2312/mam.20151202The complexity of visual material appearance as observed in the huge variation in material appearance under different viewing and illumination conditions makes material recognition a highly challenging task. In the scope of this paper, we discuss the facts that make material appearance that complex and provide a survey on technical achievements towards a reliable material recognition that have been presented in the literature so far. In addition, we discuss still open challenges that might be in the focus of future research.I.2.10 [Artificial Intelligence]Vision and Scene UnderstandingTextureI.4.8 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]Scene AnalysisObject recognitionI.5.2 [Pattern Recognition]Design MethodologyPattern analysisA Short Survey on Optical Material Recognition10.2312/mam.2015120235-42