Riviere, Jean-Baptiste de laCastet, JulienJerome Perret and Valter Basso and Francesco Ferrise and Kaj Helin and Vincent Lepetit and James Ritchie and Christoph Runde and Mascha van der Voort and Gabriel Zachmann2014-12-172014-12-172014978-3-905674-76-7https://doi.org/10.2312/eurovr.20141332As a company providing VR professionals with the immersive visualization and interaction devices they require for their daily tasks, we are witnessing the limitations of existing expert user interfaces that do not address nonadvanced users' requirements. That is why we aimed at simplifying both 3D interaction devices and the interaction tasks they are associated with, and confronted actual users to such new interaction techniques.H.5.2 [User Interfaces]User Centered DesignInput Devices and StrategiesSimpler Interfaces for Better 3D Simulation