Brooks, StephenOliver Deussen and Peter Hall2013-10-222013-10-222009978-3-905674-17-01816-0859 present the first method for the generation of posters directly from video, borrowing the layout and composition from existing poster exemplars as a guide. Our system analyzes a given poster by determining face locations and poses, detecting the title and computing an analysis of the remaining background image. Processing of the video proceeds by locating major cast members and a suitable background frame. A new poster is then seamlessly constructed from scratch with faces, title and background appropriately sized and positioned as in the example. This work has broad application and potential for widespread use given the increasing importance of Creative Commons amateur film making, as well as internet and personal video.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Applications I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image GenerationMovie Posters from Video by Example