Matkovic, KresimirGracanin, DenisBardun, MateaSplechtna, RainerHauser, HelwigTurkay, Cagatay and Vrotsou, Katerina2020-05-242020-05-242020978-3-03868-116-82664-4487 data visualizations require novel interactive representations, especially when visualizing multiple set-typed data attributes. The challenge is how to effectively analyze relations between data elements from different set-typed attributes. We build on Radial Set view to support simultaneous visualization of two set-typed attributes. The main contributions include: Dual Radial Set view that supports simultaneous visualization of two groups of sets; an extension of Radial Set view that can display empty sets; and two new view configurations, the equal sector size and the relative-size scaled sectors. The two new view configurations also can be applied to the original Radial Set view. We conducted an informal evaluation using a movies data set as a case study. The evaluation results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseHuman centered computingVisualization techniquesVisualization toolkitsDual Radial Set10.2312/eurova.2020108013-17