Franzke, LouisMeinecke, ChristoferSchebera, JeremiasWiegreffe, DanielKucher, KostiantynDiehl, AlexandraGillmann, Christina2024-05-212024-05-212024978-3-03868-258-5 audio streaming platform Spotify collects various personal data from its users, including an extensive streaming history. Despite providing this data, Spotify lacks tools for visualizing or analyzing it. This work introduces Visplorify, an application to analyze and visualize the extended streaming history. The main goal is to offer interested Spotify users a way to visually explore their listening behavior and gain deeper insights into their music data. Visplorify automatically processes users' streaming history, enriching it with detailed data presented in an interactive dashboard. Users can explore and gain insights from their data using filters and visualizations to examine patterns and trends. Users have found several use cases, such as identifying personal patterns, reflecting on life events, discovering old and new favorite songs, and creating playlists. The application also provides users with insight into potential analyses of their personal data, increasing transparency.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Information visualization; Visualization systems and toolsHuman centered computing → Information visualizationVisualization systems and toolsVisplorify: Interactive Visual Analysis of Spotify Listening Histories10.2312/evp.202410943 pages