Komar, AlexanderPreiner, ReinholdAndres, Bjoern and Campen, Marcel and Sedlmair, Michael2021-09-252021-09-252021978-3-03868-161-8https://doi.org/10.2312/vmv.20211368https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/vmv20211368We propose a real-time technique for rendering Gaussian-Product subdivision surfaces. This is achieved by our real-time subdivision pipeline, able to accept the base of Gaussian-Product subdivision, that is, a covariance mesh, which extends regular base meshes by storing additional 3x3 covariance matrices per vertex. Our technique evaluates the non-linear limit subdivision surface by computing B-spline patches embedded in a 9-dimensional dual space, where the subdivision scheme becomes linear. We construct and evaluate these B-spline patches using real-time tessellation capabilities of current GPUs. We analyzed the performance of our technique on all supported subdivision levels, and provide an analysis of its visual quality and geometric accuracy.Real-Time Gaussian-Product Subdivision on the GPU10.2312/vmv.2021136827-34