Saba, MariannaSorrentino, FabioMuntoni, AlessandroCasti, SaraCherchi, GianmarcoCarcangiu, AlessandroCorda, FabrizioMurru, AlessioSpano, Lucio DavideScateni, RiccardoVitali, IlariaSalvetti, OvidioMagrini, MassimoVilla, AndreaCarboni, AndreaPascali, Maria AntoniettaAndrea Giachetti and Paolo Pingi and Filippo Stanco2017-09-112017-09-112017978-3-03868-048-2 this paper, we describe the design and the implementation of the demonstrator for the Virtuoso project, which aims at creating seamless support for fitness and wellness activities in touristic resort.We define the objectives of the user interface, the hardware and software setup, showing how we combined and exploited consumer-level devices for supporting 3D body scan, contact-less acquisition of physical parameters, exercise guidance and operator support.A Seamless Pipeline for the Acquisition of the Body Shape: the Virtuoso Case Study10.2312/stag.2017122971-80