Rabsahl, SolveigSatzger, ThomasKalamkar, SnehanjaliGrubert, JensBeck, FabianGillmann, ChristinaKrone, MichaelLenti, Simone2023-06-102023-06-102023978-3-03868-220-2https://doi.org/10.2312/evp.20231070https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/evp20231070Interacting with augmented reality (AR) systems involves different domains and is more complex than interacting with traditional user interfaces. To analyze AR interactions, we suggest an event visualization approach that discerns different event layers on a timeline. It is based on symbolic event representations of typical user actions, such as physical movement or interaction with scene objects. Although focusing on the Microsoft HoloLens 2, the approach can generalize to similar environments and provide a basis for developing a more comprehensive visual analytics and annotation solution for AR usage sessions.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing -> Information visualization; Computing methodologies -> Mixed / augmented realityHuman centered computingInformation visualizationComputing methodologiesMixed / augmented realitySymbolic Event Visualization for Analyzing User Input and Behavior of Augmented Reality Sessions10.2312/evp.2023107069-713 pages