Naruse, TadashiYoshida, MasaharuTakahashi, TokiichiroNaito, Seiichiro2014-10-212014-10-2119871467-8659 architecture of, and a performance estimate for, the dedicated graphics processor - SIGHT, a high-speed ray tracing machine, are presented. Ray tracing is a vector calculation in 3-dimensional (3-D) space and each ray to be traced can be calculated independently. The SIGHT is designed so that it speeds up the execution of the ray tracing algorithm at two levels of parallel operations: the pixel-level parallel operation by multiprocessors and the instruction-level parallel operation by the new processing element (PE) architecture. The features of the PE are:SIGHT-A Dedicated Computer Graphics Machine10.1111/j.1467-8659.1987.tb00561.x327-334