Deville, Pascal M.Merzouk, SlimaneCazier, DorotheePaul, Jean C.2014-10-212014-10-2119941467-8659 computer graphics, image generation uses the RGB colorimetric system. However, this system does not produce an accurate simulation of the spectral characteristics of both light and material, due to the fact that it is device dependent. Indeed, to get realistic images, the image calculation process must deal with spectral characteristics of lights and materials and with the problem of sampling the wavelength domain. Methods have been shown that are a good way to solve the two problems mentioned above, however, these approaches do not take into account complex spectrums (discontinuous). In this paper, we propose a method which removes the constraints imposed by the current methods. Our method is based upon an algorithm of spectrum analysis.Spectral Data Modeling for a Lighting Application10.1111/1467-8659.133009797-106