Monteiro, FábioMoreira, LuísFerreira, PedroMarcelino, LuísSilva, CatarinaMagalhães, Luís and Santos, Beatriz2020-12-112020-12-112020978-3-03868-131-1 the density of the population in cities is increasing, and that factor coupled with economic difficulties makes public transport extremely important and more used by the population. On the other hand, with the increasing use of mobile technologies, there is a need to get information about public transports in real time to facilitate time management and daily trips. Our approach provides this information in real time using GPS-based mobile applications both for end users and mobile transportation communications via a centralized server. Tests on real users evaluate the usability of the system and allow for the definition of standard functionalities.Mobile ApplicationsPublic TransportsMonitoringAndroidMobile Access to Real Time Tracking of Public Transports10.2312/pt.2013132818-22