Ulu, ErvaMcCann, JimKara, Levent BurakBommes, David and Huang, Hui2019-07-112019-07-1120191467-8659https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.13791https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.1111/cgf13791We introduce a method to design lightweight shell objects that are structurally robust under the external forces they may experience during use. Given an input 3D model and a general description of the external forces, our algorithm generates a structurally-sound minimum weight shell object. Our approach works by altering the local shell thickness repeatedly based on the stresses that develop inside the object. A key issue in shell design is that large thickness values might result in self-intersections on the inner boundary creating a significant computational challenge during optimization. To address this, we propose a shape parametrization based on the solution to the Laplace's equation that guarantees smooth and intersection-free shell boundaries. Combined with our gradient-free optimization algorithm, our method provides a practical solution to the structural design of hollow objects with a single inner cavity. We demonstrate our method on a variety of problems with arbitrary 3D models under complex force configurations and validate its performance with physical experiments.Computing methodologiesShape analysisMesh modelsApplied computingComputeraided designStructural Design Using Laplacian Shells10.1111/cgf.1379185-98