Newball, Andres A. NavarroWyvill, GeoffMcCane, BrendanWen Tang and John Collomosse2014-01-312014-01-312009978-3-905673-71-5 Sphere Subsets (TSSs) provide a fast way to approximate collision tests between objects whose motion is constrained. A TSS is a subset of a set of spheres that approximate the shape of two objects that might collide. The subset represents only those spheres that can collide under the constrained motion. A TSS is created in three steps: 1) approximating the mesh with spheres; 2) searching the space of possible motion to find which spheres may collide: 3) extracting the spheres required for collision tests and building the table. We applied TSSs to jaw motion and skin/muscle interaction in a model dog and measured the number of spheres generated and the number of calculations needed for collision tests. In these cases TSSs outperforms several standard techniques.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Three Dimensional Graphics and Realism]: Animation, I.3.5 [Computational Geometry and Object Modelling]: Physically Based ModellingObject Interaction Using Tabulated Spheres Subsets