Nguyen, Thi-Thuong HuyenDuval, ThierryPontonnier, CharlesYuki Hashimoto and Torsten Kuhlen and Ferran Argelaguet and Takayuki Hoshi and Marc Erich Latoschik2014-12-172014-12-172014978-3-905674-77-4 this demonstration, we present how the 7-Handle manipulation technique makes it possible to manipulate 3D objects in virtual environments. This technique includes a set of seven points which are flexibly attached to an object. There are three different control modes for these points including configuration, manipulation and locking / unlocking modes.I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]Methodology and TechniquesInteraction techniques.I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]3D Graphics and RealismVirtual realityDemonstration of the 7-Handle Technique