Grioui, FairouzAntoniadis, PantelisYu, XingyaoBlascheck, TanjaKucher, KostiantynDiehl, AlexandraGillmann, Christina2024-05-212024-05-212024978-3-03868-258-5 present two modalities using mobile devices to assist patients with home-based wrist rehabilitation exercises. The first modality is a standalone smartwatch application that tracks the wrist's Range of Motion (ROM) and visualizes real-time exercise data. The second modality uses a smartphone to mirror the visualizations displayed on the smartwatch to overcome screen invisibility while rotated. In this poster, we report on our pilot study and the qualitative results of the two solutions. Results show that in terms of usability, the smartwatch-only modality score surpassed the mirrored-display. However, participants preferred the mirrored-display modality more for home-based usage.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing → Empirical studies in visualization; Ubiquitous and mobile devicesHuman centered computing → Empirical studies in visualizationUbiquitous and mobile devicesPersonal Mobile Devices to Assist with Wrist Rehabilitation at Home10.2312/evp.202410903 pages