Tachi, SusumuKakehi, Yasuaki and Hiyama, Atsushi2019-09-112019-09-112019-09-11978-3-03868-083-31727-530Xhttps://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/2632806https://doi.org/10.2312/egve.20192023Telexistence is a human-empowerment concept that enables a human in one location to virtually exist in another location and to act freely there. The term also refers to the system of science and technology that enables realization of the concept. The concept was originally proposed by the author in 1980, and its feasibility has been demonstrated through the construction of alter-ego robot systems such as TELESAR, TELESAR V, and TELESAR VI, which were developed under the national research and development projects “MITI Advanced Robot Technology in Hazardous Environments,” the “CREST Haptic Telexistence Project,” and the “ACCEL Embodied Media Project,” respectively. Mutual telexistence systems, such as TELESAR II & IV, capable of generating the sensation of being in a remote place using a combination of alter-ego robotics and retro-reflective projection technology (RPT), have been developed, and the feasibility of mutual telexistence has been demonstrated. Forty years of telexistence development are historically reviewed in this keynote paper.enForty Years of Telexistence —From Concept to TELESAR VI (Invited Talk)Other10.2312/egve.20192023