Mero, Maximo G.Susin, A.Cesar Mendoza and Isabel Navazo2014-02-012014-02-0120063-905673-61-4 new hybrid approach for deformable models is presented here and carried out in a virtual reality environment, achieving real time performance with haptic interactions. Our implementation consists in using two approaches for the deformable model. The deformation is modelled using simultaneously a Finite Element Method and a Mesh Free Method. With this Mesh Free method, particles are used to simulate large deformations in the volume region near the surface of the object. The remaining internal volume of the object can be modelled employing a coarse mesh using the Finite Element Method.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.8 [Computer Graphics]: ApplicationsDeformable Hybrid Approach for Haptic Interaction