Lupinetti, KatiaGiannini, Francamonti, marinaPERNOT, Jean-PhilippeBiasotti, Silvia and Lavoué, Guillaume and Veltkamp, Remco2019-05-042019-05-042019978-3-03868-077-21997-0471 the effectiveness of the systems for the retrieval of 3D assembly models is not trivial. CAD assembly models can be considered similar according to different criteria and at different levels (i.e. globally or partially). Indeed, besides the shape criterion, CAD assembly models have further characteristic elements, such as the mutual position of parts, or the type of connecting joint. Thus, when retrieving 3D models, these characteristics can match in the entire model (globally) or just in local subparts (partially). The available 3D model repositories do not include complex CAD assembly models and, generally, they are suitable to evaluate one characteristic at a time and neglecting important properties in the evaluation of assembly similarity. In this paper, we present a benchmark for the evaluation of content-retrieval systems of 3D assembly models. A crucial feature of this benchmark regards its ability to consider the various aspects characterizing the models of mechanical assemblies.Information Storage and RetrievalInformation Search and RetrievalComputer graphicsMiscellaneousA 3D CAD Assembly Benchmark10.2312/3dor.2019106579-83