Heinrich, JulianWeiskopf, DanielM. Sbert and L. Szirmay-Kalos2014-01-262014-01-2620131017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/conf/EG2013/stars/095-116This work presents a survey of the current state of the art of visualization techniques for parallel coordinates. It covers geometric models for constructing parallel coordinates and reviews methods for creating and understanding visual representations of parallel coordinates. The classification of these methods is based on a taxonomy that was established from the literature and is aimed at guiding researchers to find existing techniques and identifying white spots that require further research. The techniques covered in this survey are further related to an established taxonomy of knowledge-discovery tasks to support users of parallel coordinates in choosing a technique for their problem at hand. Finally, we discuss the challenges in constructing and understanding parallel-coordinates plots and provide some examples from different application domains.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Picture/Image GenerationLine and curve generationState of the Art of Parallel Coordinates