Coudert-Osmont, YoannEisemann, ElmarMarroquim, RicardoPonchio, FedericoPintus, Ruggero2022-09-262022-09-262022978-3-03868-178-62312-6124 cues play an important role in painting analysis as it may unveil important characteristics about the painter's techniques and creation process. Nevertheless, extracting perspective lines and their corresponding vanishing points is usually a laborious manual task. Moreover, small variations in the lines may lead to large variations in the vanishing points. In this work, we propose a semi-automatic method to extract perspective lines from paintings in order to mitigate the human variability factor and reduce the workload.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies --> Image processing; Applied computing --> Fine artsComputing methodologiesImage processingApplied computingFine artsSemi-Automatic Perspective Lines from Paintings10.2312/gch.2022121923-3210 pages