Butland, S. D.Butland, J.Vandoni, C. E.2015-09-292015-09-2919801017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/eg.19801020An ALGOL68 implementation of a comprehensive set of graph drawing procedures is described. The procedures are designed to enable scientists and engineers writing programs in ALGOL68 to produce a wide range of graphs with little programming effort. The ALGOL68 implementation of the package is compared with the FORTRAN versions and is found to be simpler to use. A description is given of the implementation of the package on a CDC 7600 machine. The package is built on the original FORTRAN subroutines which provide well tested error-free graph drawing software. The programmer, however, only needs to be aware of the much simpler interface provided by ALGOL68.Easy to Use Graph Drawing Procedures in ALGOL 6810.2312/eg.19801020