Ferraris, ChristopherGatzidis, ChristosDavis, TomHargood, CharlieHulusic, Vedad and Chalmers, Alan2021-11-022021-11-022021978-3-03868-141-02312-6124 trend of digitizing analogue artefacts from cultural heritage collections to create cultural digital items remains ongoing. The user experience of Cultural Heritage Practitioners (CHP) should be understood in order to support academic efforts in producing practical contributions that benefit those working with cultural digital items. In this publication we follow a series of semi-structured interviews with 10 CHPs and supporting technical professionals who work with cultural digital items on a daily basis. We then code their responses for theme, analysing their thoughts and concerns regarding key topics connected to cultural digital items such as interactivity and the challenges of digitization within the culture heritage sector.Human centered computingHuman computer interaction (HCI)Social and professional topicsCultural characteristicsCapture, Processing and Presentation of Digital Cultural Items: Feedback from Cultural Heritage Practitioners10.2312/gch.202114001-9