Stoppel, SergejHege, Hans-ChristianWiebel, AlexanderN. Elmqvist and M. Hlawitschka and J. Kennedy2014-12-162014-12-162014978-3-905674-69-9 paper presents an algorithm called surfseek for selecting surfaces on the most visible features in directvolume rendering (DVR). The algorithm is based on a previously published technique (WYSIWYP) for picking 3Dlocations in DVR. The new algorithm projects a surface patch on the DVR image, consisting of multiple rays. Foreach ray the algorithm uses WYSIWYP or a variant of it to find the candidates for the most visible locations alongthe ray. Using these candidates the algorithm constructs a graph and computes a minimum cut on this graph.The minimum cut represents a visible and typically rather smooth surface. In the last step the selected surface isdisplayed. We provide examples for results using artificially generated and real-world data sets.I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]Methodology andTechniquesInteraction techniquesVisibility-Driven Depth Determination of Surface Patches in Direct Volume Rendering