Ortega-Donaire, JoséSegura-Sánchez, Rafael JesúsOgáyar-Anguita, Carlos-JavierRueda-Ruiz, Antonio JesúsGarcía-Fernández, Ignacio and Ureña, Carlos2018-06-262018-06-262018978-3-03868-067-3https://doi.org/10.2312/ceig.20181152https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/ceig20181152The use of specific techniques for the management and visualization of huge point clouds is necessary to solve the drawbacks of inefficiency derived from the size of the dataset and the techniques used to visualize it. This work presents a prototype of VR system for the visualization and management of extensive point clouds in 3D with the ability to edit specific points. For this, the tool incorporates multiresolution techniques, which improve the performance and efficiency of the system. The prototype also incorporates the management of the point cloud stored in an unstructured database; so the prototype can request parts of the dataset from the required fractions generated by an octree. This allows the progressive processing of 3D point clouds, which is very useful to control and visualize a large data set in real time.Computing methodologiesVirtual realityRealtime simulationModeling methodologiesHumancentered computingInformation visualizationA Prototype of Virtual Reality System for the Visualization, Exploration and Modeling of Huge Point Clouds10.2312/ceig.2018115243-46