Pereira, PedroMatos, NunoGrave, LuísMarcos, AdéritoMarcos, Adérito and Mendonça, Ana and Leitão, Miguel and Costa, António and Jorge, Joaquim2021-10-142021-10-142021978-3-03868-163-2 paper present a monitor based prototype for visualization and interaction of an Augmented Reality (AR) system. It had been recently developed at CCG and demonstrated on the conference SIACG2002 at Guimarães, Portugal. ARK – augmented reality kiosk - is a set-up based in the prototypes developed in the European project Virtual Showcases where direct interaction has been added. A normal monitor and a half-silvered mirror constitute the usual setup of the kiosk By integrating a half-silvered mirror and a black virtual hand, our solution solves the occlusion problem that normally occurs when a user interacts with a virtual environment displayed by a monitor or other projection system. Conceived with low monetary resources this portable solution can be deployed in different application contexts as for instance culture heritage. In this paper it will presented an extension of the solution to a multi-user platform for a Portuguese museum.Augmented RealityVirtual RealityAugmented EnvironmentsVisualizationInteractionmultiuserhalfsilvered mirrorARK multi-utilizador10.2312/pt.20031432119-124