Gaisbauer, FelixAgethen, PhilippBär, ThomasRukzio, EnricoJain, Eakta and Kosinka, Jirí2018-04-142018-04-1420181017-4656, motion synthesis and character animation systems are used in different domains ranging from gaming to medicine and production industries. In recent years, there has been a vast progress in terms of realistic character animation. In this context, motion-capture based animation systems are frequently used to generate natural motions. Other approaches use physics based simulation, statistical models or machine learning methods to generate realistic motions. These approaches are however tightly coupled with the development environment, thus inducing high porting efforts if being incorporated into different platforms. Currently, no standard exists which allows to exchange complex character animation approaches. A comprehensive simulation of complex scenarios utilizing these heterogeneous approaches is therefore not possible, yet. In a different domain than motion, the Functional Mock-up Interface standard has already solved this problem. Initially being tailored to industrial needs, the standards allows to exchange dynamic simulation approaches such as solvers for mechatronic components. We present a novel concept, extending this standard to couple arbitrary character animation approaches using a common interface.Computing methodologiesCollision detectionSimulation types and techniquesAnimationIntroducing a Modular Concept for Exchanging Character Animation Approaches10.2312/egp.201810117-8