Kölzsch, A.Slingsby, A.Wood, J.Nolet, B.A.Dykes, J.O. Kolditz and K. Rink and G. Scheuermann2014-01-242014-01-242013978-3-905674-54-5https://doi.org/10.2312/PE.EnvirVis.EnvirVis13.025-029As increasing numbers of high quality data sets on bird migration become available, systematic means of designing ways of visualising them are needed. In a collaborative study of visualisation scientists and animal ecologists we specify a framework to describe design possibilities. We use this framework to generate visualisation designs that integrate time, space and context in a case study using white-fronted goose migration tracks. Developed visualisation designs were regarded as useful for migration ecology and work to improve them for easy usage in the future is ongoing.H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]User interfacesUsercentered designVisualisation design for representing bird migration tracks in time and space