Weiss, TomerLitteneker, AlanJiang, ChenfanfuTerzopoulos, DemetriBernhard Thomaszewski and KangKang Yin and Rahul Narain2017-12-312017-12-312017978-1-4503-5091-4https://doi.org/10.1145/3099564.3108160https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.1145/3099564-3108160Exploiting the e ciency and stability of Position-Based Dynamics (PBD), we introduce a novel crowd simulation method that runs at interactive rates for hundreds of thousands of agents. Our method enables the detailed modeling of per-agent behavior in a Lagrangian formulation. We model short-range and long-range collision avoidance constraints to simulate both sparse and dense crowds. The local short-range interaction is represented with collision and frictional contact between agents, as in the discrete simulation of granular materials.We incorporate a cohesion model for modeling collective behaviors and propose a new constraint for dealing with potential future collisions. Our new real-time crowd simulation method is suitable for use in interactive games.Computing methodologies AnimationRealtime simulationpositionbased dynamicscrowd simulationcollision avoidancePosition-Based Multi-Agent Dynamics for Real-Time Crowd Simulation10.1145/3099564.3108160Tomer Weiss, Alan Litteneker, Chenfanfu Jiang, and Demetri Terzopoulos-Computing methodologies Animation; Real-time simulation; position-based dynamics, crowd simulation, collision avoidance