Meuschke, MoniqueWickenhöfer, RalphPreim, BernhardLawonn, KaiKozlíková, Barbora and Krone, Michael and Smit, Noeska and Nieselt, Kay and Raidou, Renata Georgia2020-09-282020-09-282020978-3-03868-109-02070-5786 present ANEULYSIS, a system to improve risk assessment and treatment planning of cerebral aneurysms. Aneurysm treatment must be carefully examined as there is a risk of fatal outcome during surgery. Aneurysm growth, rupture, and treatment success depend on the interplay of vascular morphology and hemodynamics. Blood flow simulations can obtain the patient-specific hemodynamics. However, analyzing the time-dependent, multi-attribute data is time-consuming and error-prone. ANEULYSIS supports the analysis and visual exploration of aneurysm data including morphological and hemodynamic attributes. Since this is an interdisciplinary process involving both physicians and fluid mechanics experts, we provide a redundancy-free management of aneurysm data sets according to a consistent structure. Major contributions are an improved analysis of morphological aspects, simultaneous evaluation of wall- and flow-related characteristics as well as multiple attributes on the vessel wall, the assessment of mechanical wall processes as well as an automatic classification of the internal flow behavior. It was designed and evaluated in collaboration with domain experts who confirmed its usefulness and clinical necessity.Computing methodologiesComputer GraphicsComputer ApplicationsLife and Medical SciencesAneulysis - A System for Aneurysm Data Analysis10.2312/vcbm.20201179127-138