Papadopoulos, ConstantinosEarl, Graeme P.Kurt Debattista and Cinzia Perlingieri and Denis Pitzalis and Sandro Spina2014-01-312014-01-312009978-3-905674-18-71811-864X importance of death to the living is of interest to scholars in a range of disciplines. This paper describes a computer-based research project undertaken to create a series of alternative readings of the dataset from the Minoan cemetery at Phourni, Crete. This attempted to evaluate the tombs' architecture, use, visual impact, their capacity as well as the contribution of illumination to their interior, by using computer graphic methodologies. However, since the software deployed is primarily developed for use in other fields, there are certain limitations and difficulties for a virtual reconstruction of such an archaeological site, which can prevent production of a model that is accurate in every detail. This paper will discuss the results and these constraints. It will also address problems and innovative components, suggesting potential solutions and recommending additional work for the future.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism. Keywords: Minoan Crete, Virtual Archaeology, Lighting Analysis, Global IlluminationStructural and Lighting Models for the Minoan Cemetery at Phourni, Crete