Kammann, LarsMenzel, StefanBotsch, MarioKrüger, Jens and Niessner, Matthias and Stückler, Jörg2020-09-272020-09-272020978-3-03868-123-6https://doi.org/10.2312/vmv.20201182https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/vmv20201182We present a compact and intuitive geometry representation for technical models initially given as triangle meshes. For CADlike models the defining features often coincide with the intersection between smooth surface patches. Our algorithm therefore first segments the input model into patches of constant curvature. The intersections between these patches are encoded through Bézier curves of adaptive degree, the patches enclosed by them are encoded by their (constant) mean and Gaussian curvatures. This sparse geometry representation enables intuitive understanding and editing by manipulating either the patches' curvature values and/or the feature curves. During decoding/reconstruction we exploit remeshing and hence are independent of the underlying triangulation, such that besides the feature curve topology no additional connectivity information has to be stored. We also enforce discrete developability for patches with vanishing Gaussian curvature in order to obtain straight ruling lines.Computing methodologiesMesh geometry modelsA Compact Patch-Based Representation for Technical Mesh Models10.2312/vmv.202011821-8