Peethambaran, JijuParakkat, Amal DevMuthuganapathy, RamanathanStam, Jos and Mitra, Niloy J. and Xu, Kun2015-10-072015-10-072015978-3-905674-96-5 this paper, we present a Voronoi based algorithm for closed curve reconstruction and medial axis approximation from planar points. In principle, the algorithm estimates one of the poles (farthest Voronoi vertices of a Voronoi cell) and hence the normals at each sample point by drawing an analogy between a residential water distribution system and Voronoi diagram of input samples. The algorithm then labels Voronoi vertices as either inner or outer with respect to the original curve and subsequently construct a piece-wise linear approximation to the boundary and the interior medial axis of the original curve for a class of curves having bi-tangent neighborhood convergence (BNC). The proposed algorithm has been evaluated for its usefulness using various test data. Results indicate that, even sparsely and non-uniformly sampled curves with sharp corners, outliers or collection of curves are faithfully reconstructed by the proposed algorithm.A Voronoi based Labeling Approach to Curve Reconstruction and Medial Axis Approximation10.2312/pg.2015128577-82