Guerreiro, JoãoGuerreiro, TiagoGonçalves, DanielCoelho, António and Cláudio, Ana Paula2021-06-182021-06-182021978-3-03868-154-0 devices have become faithful companions that keep track of most o_f our daily interactions and are al­ways available to interact with. However, considering their capabilities, mobile devices play an insufficient role helping the user in his comnzon daily tasks. The in;formation they have access to is limited, as is the context in which it can be used. We present GeniusPhone, a system that inter-relates the users' personal information and interactions with others from their computers and mobile devices, using it to gather additional data .from online public sources. The information retrieved from the personal devices, due to its personal and trustable character, helps us filter the in;formation retrieved from other less trustable and structured sources. GeniusPhone is able to provide the users with relevant summaries about someone or something, from their point of view, at the time they want or need them. An example application that presents condensed information about a person is presented, as well as scenarios revealing its potentialities.GeniusPhone: A Personal Companion for Everyday Situations10.2312/pt.20091242307-308