Cleary, John G.Wyvill, Brian M.Birtwistle, Graham M. and Vatti, Reddy2014-10-152014-10-1519861467-8659 multiprocessor algorithm for ray tracing is described. The performance of the algorithm is analysed for a cubic and square array of processors with only local communication between near neighbours. Theoretical expressions for the speedup of the system as a function of the number of processors are derived. These analytic results are supported by simulations of ray tracing on a number of simple scenes with polygonal surfaces. It is found that a square network of processors generally performs better than a cubic network. Some comments are made on the construction of such a system using current (1985) microprocessor technology.Multiprocessor Ray Tracing10.1111/j.1467-8659.1986.tb00263.x3-12