Trompouki, Matina MariaKosmidis, LeonidasPatney, Anjul and Niessner, Matthias2018-11-112018-11-112018978-1-4503-5896-52079-8679 computing is heavily-based on accelerators, however, the cost of the hardware equipment prevents equal access to heterogeneous programming. In this work we present Brook GLES Pi, a port of the accelerator programming language Brook. Our solution, primarily focused on the educational platform Raspberry Pi, allows to teach, experiment and take advantage of heterogeneous programming on any low-cost embedded device featuring an OpenGL ES 2 GPU, democratising access to accelerator programming.Computing methodologiesGraphics processorsComputer systems organizationHeterogeneous (hybrid) systemsSoftware and its engineeringParallel programming languagesGPGPUOpenGL ES 2Embedded GPUsAccelerator ProgrammingBrook GLES Pi: Democratising Accelerator Programming10.1145/3231578.3231582